I have always loved Street art...
… there is just something about it. Perhaps it is the subversive nature, unfiltered messages and the periodic appearance of cool new pieces around town that speaks straight to my soul. Say what you will about Street art and Public art, but it is unique and powerful in its ability to reach a wider audience with its messages and accessibility. I would say all Art has a way of engaging us that can speak directly to our core. Public Art has a way of helping us build new connections while encouraging us to reflect on who we are, who we were and who we hope to be.
To make art of any sort, not just visual, is a very hopeful and at times defiant act. Public Art and Street Art are uniquely important because they help add back layers and depth to our ongoing social, political, economic and cultural discussions by including voices and perspectives that for too long have gone dramatically unheard and under represented. Now more than ever it is important to see ourselves reflected in our cultural landscape and the landscapes of the communities we are part of.
The Art Walk Project is centered around the idea that art can be a unifying force, has the power to change lives and is not just found in museums. This project is committed to embracing the diverse and vibrant visions expressed in the art in our streets and on our walls, and helping people connect to it.
Started in 2020 the The Art Walk Project was in many ways created as my reaction to the long period of lockdown and isolation many of us experienced during the pandemic. I was ready to get back out into world, regardless of Covid, and reconnect with some of my favourite spaces and the community I had been part of. As an artist this was important and my experience left me feeling rejuvenated and gave me a new perspective through which to experience my old neighborhood and it led to the creation of the Central Square Art Walk, which debuted at the end of August 2020.
The resulting Art Walks are an exploration of community, creativity, diversity and activism that are designed to create a unique and refreshing experience for all ages through a curated series of self guided creative adventures that encourage people to connect with their community, or see a new community, through a different lens. The Art Walk Project currently features thirteen unique tours spread across the Metro Boston area, and Cambridge.
As a public art project (about public art), each Art Walk features art from across a broad spectrum of vision, experience, style and time and is centered around a specific geographic location in the Metro Boston area. Included in each walk is a short written post about the neighborhood and the art, a custom map, information about the artists (website, IG handle), a photo gallery and downloadable PDFs (of both the map and the artwork listed) which are available to download and printout for 5.00 each.
The Art Walk Project is female led and Latina owned and operated. All Images and content © Julia Swanson, 2024. For questions or Press inquiries please contact me here.
Thank you for your support and thank you for stopping by. As always live creatively and travel safely!
The creator and founder of The Art Walk Project, Julia Swanson is a multidisciplinary artist, producer and award winning photographer who has been creating dynamic art and experiences for more than a decade. Through her work she often explores themes such community, identity and evolution through a combination of visual and multimedia storytelling. As a multiple award winning artist her projects have been featured in multiple news outlets and she is currently working as a multimedia producer, creative director and multidisciplinary artist based out of Boston, MA. To see more of her work, please visit jscreatesonline.com