One of the most heavily trafficked areas of the city Back Bay is synonymous with almost everything that makes Boston the kind of place that people love to visit. It is full of food, shopping, bars, museums, historic sites, buskers, open markets and of course, public art

With all of those enticements it's easy to walk through the area and overlook the art in plain sight. However, with 40 different works ranging from ground breaking architecture, to a sculpture garden situated beneath the long shady canopy of Commonwealth Ave this art walk will challenge you to see the Back Bay neighborhood in a new way. This 3 mile creative adventure will take you down all the familiar streets and through well known spaces while highlighting key monuments and interesting pieces that speak about not just the history of the city and it's notable figures but also showcases the kind of creative talent and innovation the area is known for.

The Back Bay neighborhood is one of the most easily accessible neighborhoods in the city with an abundance of T stops and also within walking distance of the public garden, and Downtown area. Please remember, as you tour that this is a very busy neighborhood. Please respect the neighborhood(s), the art, and the people who live and work there.

As always, live creatively and travel safely!

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Ready to start your adventure?

Download the Art Walk Map and List for just 5$ to get started!


Last Updated: March 18, 2024

Total Distance: approx 3 miles

Estimated Time: 2 hrs

Neighborhood: Back Bay, Boston.

Closest Subway: Greenline, Arlington, Copley, Hynes Convention Center, Symphony,

Orange Line, Back Bay.

Food: I suggest checking out Boston Eater


Artist information, website, and IG handle included where available. This map is not intended for driving

  1. Trompe L’ Oleil by Richard John Haas, 1977. ( Mass Ave & Newbury St at Boston Architectural Center

  2. Sculpture of Domingo Sarimiento” Dedicated in 1973. Commonwealth Park (

  3. “Boston’s Women’s Memorial” by Meredith Bergmann, dedicated in 2003.  Featuring Lucy Stone, Abagail Adams and Phyllis Wheatley.  On Commonwealth Park between Gloucester Street and Fairfield Street

  4. “Statue of Samuel Elliot Morrison” by Penelope Jencks and dedicated in 1982. On Commonwealth Park between Fairfield Street and Exeter Street. 

  5. “Statue of William Lloyd Garrison Memorial” by Olin Levi Warner dedicated in 1886.  On Commonwealth Park between Exeter Street and Dartmouth Street. 

  6. “Vendome Memorial” created by Third Floor Studio, Ted Clausen, artist, and Peter White, landscape architect.  Dedicated in 1977.  On Commonwealth Park between Dartmouth Street and Clarendon Street

  7. “Statue of Patrick Andrews Collins” by Henry Kitson and Theo Alice Kitson, 1908 On Commonwealth Park between Dartmouth Street and Clarendon Street.

  8. “John Glover Statue” by John Milmore, 1875. On Commonwealth Park between Clarendon Street and Berkley Street

  9. “Alexander Hamilton Sculpture” On Commonwealth Park between Berkley Street and Arlington Street

  10. “Berkley Building” by Stephen Codman and Constant-Désiré Despradelle, 1905  Beaux arts style.  On the corner of Boylston and Berkley Street. 

  11. "Original Museum of Natural History Building” (now Restoration Hardware) Building at 236 Boylston Street. Designed by William G Preston, 1863. 

  12. “New England Mutual Life Insurance Building” (Site of Original MIT, Rodgers Building)

  13. Trinity Church, Copley Square

  14. “John Singleton Copley Sculpture” by Lewis Cohen, installed in 2002. Copley Plaza

  15. “Marathon Memorial” Copley Square.  On the sidewalk next to Boylston Street.   

  16. “Tortoise and Hare” by Nancy School, 1995 (  at Copley Square

  17. “Kahlil Gibran Memorial” by Kahlil Gibran (Kahlil Gibran) at Copley Square facing the Boston Public Library

  18. “Boston Public Library” 1888-1895, constructed by McKim, Mead and White. 

  19. “Commonwealth of Massachusetts Seal” by Augustus Saint-Gudens. Above Boylston Street entrance to the Boston Public Library, on left side of doorway.

  20. “The Library” by Augustus Saint-Gudens. Above Boylston Street entrance to the Boston Public Library, in the center above the doorway

  21. “The City of Boston” by Augustus Saint-Gudens.   Above Boylston Street entrance to the Boston Public Library, on the right above the doorway

  22. “Head of Minerva, Free for All” by Saint Gaudens and Mora— Relief above the Copley Entrance of the Boston Public Library

  23. “Art” Sculpture by Bela Pratt, installed in 1912.  On the Left side of Dartmouth Street- Boston Public Library Entrance

  24. “Science” Sculpture by Bela Pratt, installed in 1912.  On Right side of the Dartmouth Street Boston Public Library Entrance

  25. “Kip Tiernan Memorial” (Between Columbus and Berkley, next to Copley T Stop)

  26. Old South Church” 1875. (3rd site of the Old South Church.  The church originally established at a different site in 1670)

  27. “Marathon Bombing Memorial Spires” Part 1 designed by Pablo Eduardo, 2019.  (  Across from the new BPL entrance. Boylston Street

  28. “Marathon Bombing Memorial Spires” Part 2 designed by Pablo Eduardo, 2019.  (  Across from the Republic Bank

  29. “Paint” by Deborah Butterfield.  Large sculpture of horses On Dartmouth Street just past Copley Square.  

  30. Fairmont Copley” opened on August 19, 1912. 

  31. John Hancock Tower” - 1970’s, designed by I.M Pei. (I.M. Pei)

  32. “A Friendly Flock Touches Down” two murals by Lisa Houck (Across from Flour, Clarendon) (

  33. “Highway Art” viewable from Columbus Ave

  34. “Uplift” by Mia Perelman, 2013 (

  35. "Salada Tea Doors” designed by Harry Wilson, cast by The Gorham Company.  Installed in 1926.  Marble Reliefs surrounding door created by M Caesar Caira.  (Stuart Street 2 blocks down from flour) 330 Stuart Street

  36. “Prismatic Clock” by SoSo Limited, 2019. Light Installation.  (316 Stuart Street. In the window. Just after “Salade Tea Doors”) (