With the ICA Watershed already established as a creative hotspot (Open Memorial Day to Labour Day) and Harbor Arts, a local arts organization dedicated to creating change by transforming the landscape through art installations, activations, the additions of new murals exploring ocean advocacy scheduled to go up mid summer convinced me that East Boston was best place for my next Art Walk. Although I periodically visit the ICA and the ICA Watershed in the East Boston Shipyard I didn’t know what I expected as I exited the Maverick T-Stop. What I found was an inspiring cache of incredible art ensconced in different locations around the lively and diverse neighborhood that is East Boston.
Initially focused on finding the 19 new murals that went up in the neighborhood as part of Seawalls Boston 2021, I found so much more, The murals related to this initiative and which are included in this artwork are incredible in message and execution. They were created by a crew of International mural artists and produced in collaboration with Harbor Arts, and the Seawalls: Artists for Oceans project which is part of the PangeaSeed Foundation’s public art program.
East Boston has so much more art to offer and the longevity of the art on view combined with the neighborhoods commitment to it, speaks to the tenacity of an area and its inhabitants who have worked so hard to make it what it is today. As a rapidly evolving neighborhood rich with history and diversity there is a long standing commitment to public art through which you can explore environmental initiatives, city wide creative campaigns, and celebrations of immigration. These works were created and installed in collaboration with different organizations that include the Mayor's Mural Crew, Artists for Humanity, The ICA Watershed and Boston Harbor Arts.
As you tour please keep in mind that the city, and the shipyard in particular, is a busy place with people from all walks. It is up to you to be careful as you explore. Please respect the neighborhood(s) and the people who live and work there, and have a safe visit.
Sidenote: I highly recommend strolling down the end of the Pier in the shipyard. At different times art will rotate in and out of that area and it offers a spectacular view.
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Ready to start your adventure?
Download the Art Walk Map and List for just 5$ to get started!
Map Updated: January, 20 2024
Total Distance: 4.0 Miles/ 6.43 kilometers
Estimated Time: 1:15 min - 2:30 min, depending on your pace.
Neighborhood: East Boston
Closest Subway: Maverick Station, Blue Line
Food: Check out Boston Eater, or this other article for suggestions
Instagram handle, name and website included where available. Murals installed as part of the Seawalls: Artists for Oceans are indicated in PINK
“Maverick Square” by C. Lauson. At the corner of Maverick and Henry Street
“To Immigrants with Love: East Boston” by Heidi Schorck and City of Boston Mural Crew, 2017. (@heidischork / @mayorsmuralcrew) 82 Paris Street. (Mural depicting Veronica Robles and Mr. Spinelli)
“History of East Boston” by Unknown Artist - 155 Meridian Street. On the side of Americano Espresso Bar.
“Mural of multicolored designs on the back of restaurant” by @done_rite_designs at La Hacienda Restaurant. 150 Meridian Street, the Mural is actually on the corner of Meridian and Liverpool Street.
“Generational Spirit” by Silvia Lopez Chavez (@silvialopezchavez / www.silvialopezchavez.com) and Felipe Ortiz (@felipeortizart / www.felipeortiz.com) This is in Central Square in East Boston.
“Protect What You Love” by Ricardo Gonzalez 2021 (@itsaliving / itsalivingnyc.com) Behind MacDonalds and Autozone. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Death to Plastic” by @tallboy666 / (tallboyart.com), 2021 160 Liverpool Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Guiding Giants” by Taj Francis (@tajfrancis / tajtenfold.com) 150 Liverpool StreetSeawalls Boston 2021
“Fear” by Sophy Tuttle, 2021. (@sophytuttle / sophytuttle.com) 60 Border Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Zumix Radio Block Party Mural” by Liz LaManche (@Liz_lamanche / earthsign.com), 2017. 250 Sumner Street.
“Precipice” by Beau Stanton, 2021 @beaustanton / www.beaustanton.com) East Boston Fire Station & Mary Ellen Welch Greenway. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Guardian” by Josie Morway 2021. (@josiemorway / josiemorway.com) 24 Orleans Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Eastlantis” by Cedric “Vise 1” Douglas (@Vise_1_Boston) and Percy Fortini Wright (@percyfortiniwright / percyfortiniwright.com). At entryway to East Boston Shipyard.
“Untitled pink woman with fish and cityscape” by Mariana de Marchi 2014. (@marianalaurademarchi / marianademarchi.com). East Boston Shipyard
“Protect What You Love” by Sneha Shrestha (@Imagine876 / www.imagine876.com) 2020 Seawalls Boston 2020
“Diving Lady” restored by Neon Williams, Installed in 2020 (neonwilliams.com)
“Home of Chowder King” restored by Neon Williams, Installed in 2020 (neonwilliams.com)
“Fight the Rise” by Josie Morway, 2020 @josiemorway / josiemorway.com) Seawalls Boston 2020 East Boston Shipyard.
“Rise” by Silvia Lopez Chavez, 2020. (@silvialopezchavez / www.silvialopezchavez.com) Seawalls Boston 2020. In East Boston Shipyard.
“The Codfish” by Steve Israel, installed in 2009 harboartsboston.com (In East Boston Shipyard & Marina, Above “Rise”)
“The Calling” by @vise_1_boston / Cedric “Vise 1” Douglas & @julzroth / Julz Roth East Boston Shipyard. Seawalls Boston 2020
“Intersectional Environmentalism” by Nneka Jones (@artyouhungry / artyouhungry.com ) 2021. Donald McKay Elementary School. 122 Cottage Street. Seawalls Boston 2021.
“Aquatic Dimensions” by Felipe Ortiz, 2021 (@felipeortizart / www.felipeortiz.com) Donald McKay Elementary School. 122 Cottage Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Guardianes del Mar/Sea Keepers” by Sabrina Dorsainvil, 2021 (@oh_sabadee / sabrinadorsainvil.com) Donald McKay Elementary School. 122 Cottage Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Solo Hay Un Océano” by Kai’ili Kaulukukui (@artworkofkai / artworkofkai.com) & Taylor Reinhold (@most_funky_click / www.taylorreinhold.com) 2021. Donald McKay Elementary School. 122 Cottage Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Espiritu del Mar/Spirit of the Ocean” by Victor Quiñonez, 2021 (@Marka_27 / Street Theory Gallery) Donald McKay Elementary School. 122 Cottage Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
“To Immigrants with Love: Grandmothers” by Heidi Schork and the Mayor’s Mural Crew, 2017. (@heidischork / @mayorsmuralcrew). Under Summer Street overpass
“Rising Tides” by Sophy Tuttle, 2020 (@sophytuttle / sophytuttle.com. Seawallls Boston, 2020. On the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway, Summer Street underpass
“Untitled Plant Life Mural” by The Boston Natural Areas Network Youth Corp, 2020. Under Gove Street overpass
“Nature Along the Greenway” by Nettie Frenkle, 2024. Under Gove Street overpass
“Hope and Resistance” by Artists for Humanity, 2021 (@afhboston / Artists for Humanity ) Mary Ellen Welch Greenway, Under Porter Street Overpass. Seawalls Boston 2021
“Untitled Nautical Mural” The Boston Natural Areas Network Youth Conservation Corps, 2017
“Heart of the Ocean” by Felipe Ortiz, 2021 (@felipeortiz / www.felipeortiz.com) 260 Bremen Street. Seawalls Boston 2021. Follow the path to the ranger station, exit to the left and this mural is just across the street.
“Plastic Pandora” by Lauren YS, 2021 (@squid.licker / laurenys.com) 62 Chelsea Street. Seawalls Boston 2021
SIDEQUESTS !!! (These are absolutely beautiful but NOT in Eastie)
“Protect the Blue Planet” by Shepard Fairy @obeygiant - Seawalls Boston 2021. Aquarium T Stop, Blue Line
“PROTECT” by @dragon76art - Seawalls Boston 2021. This is in the alley between 120-126 Brookline Ave. Boston. Close to the Kenmore Square T Stop, Greenline. It is also easily viewable from Van Ness Street.