If you are interested in Public Art, and looking to see something new there is probably no better neighborhood to get started than Central Square in Cambridge. Situated directly on the Redline, Central Square is known to be one of the more colourful neighborhoods in the Metro Boston area and has a long history of supporting creative expression in all its forms. With a series of murals and public art installations that date back decades, Central Square recently introduced a series of murals that are part of the Central Square Mural Project, which began in the fall of 2019 and coincided with the 10 year anniversary of "Graffitti Alley," a.k.a. Modica Way, a local treasure and a Gram-able hot spot known for its vibrant and eccentric rotating gallery of wall and graffiti art
Even with our lives upended by Covid, Central Square continues to be a vibrant neighborhood that supports new creative voices and community through the addition of new artwork. Some of the newest work is part of the "Speak Your Piece Campaign" designed to promote inclusion and embrace diversity through new public art pieces installed throughout the neighborhood. The truth is there is always new work being planned and installed.
The murals feature a wide range of talents, subjects and locations, all are either on Mass Ave or Mass Ave adjacent, and when combined together they make for a fun and engaging afternoon for anyone who misses museum visits and is looking to get out and about, and maybe seek out something new.
Please keep in mind as you tour that the city is a busy place with people from all walks. It is up to you to be careful as you walk around. Please respect the neighborhood(s) and the people who live and work there, and have a safe visit
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Ready to start your adventure?
Download the Art Walk Map and List for just 5$ to get started!
Last Updated: March 2025
Total Distance: approx 2 mi/3.2 Kilometers
Estimated Time: 45 minutes - 1:30 min
Neighborhood: Central Square, Cambridge.
Closest Subway: Redline, Central Square.
Food: I suggest checking out Boston Eater
Artist information, website, and IG handle included where available
“Series of Portraits” by Jesus Manuel. Utility Box in front of Cambridge City Hall at 795 Massachusetts Ave. (@jesusmanuelart / Jesus Manuel Pizzarro website)
“Untitled Utility Box” by Emma Leavitt. In front of 1369. 757 Massachusetts Avenue ( @soleiarts)
“Untitled Utility Box” by Michael Talbot. 743 Massachusetts Ave. In front of Pill Hardware, (@talbotsart / www.talbotsart.com )
"Cambridge and Beyond" by Percy Fortini Wright. 743 Mass Ave. Above Pill Hardware. (@percyfortiniwright / percyfortiniwright.com)
"Power" by Lena McaCarthy, On the corner of Pleasant and Green Street behind Pandemonium Books and Games.. (@_lena_mac_ / Lena McCarthy )
“Untitled Utility Box” by K Meyers (@goldlemons / goldlemons.net) At the intersection on the corner of River St and Mass Ave
“Untitled Green Street Garage mural” by Cedric Douglas and @julzroth (@vise_1_boston) Covers the entires side of the Garage at 260 Green Street
"Dot Matrix" by Ed Andrews. On the stairwell at the corner of Green Street and Pearl Street
“Untitled Central Square Public Library Mural" by Silvia Lopez Chavez. On the corner of Green Street and Pearl Street. ( @SilviaLopezChavez / www.silvialopezchavez.com)
“Celebrating the Marshland” by Lilli Ann Rosenberg. Central Sq Public Library, 45 Pearl St. Mosaic, on the corner.
“Tribute to the Civil Rights Movement” by John Powell, 2019. On both sides of the exterior of the Green Street Parking lot. Green Street Entrance and MLK Plaza.
"Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr." Lilli Ann Rosenberg Central Sq Public Library, Franklin St. Mosaic, next to the door.
“Untitled Mural” by Vayalone. On the corner of Pearl Street and Green Street. (@Vyalone)
"Nocturnal" by Multiple Artists at Art Bio Collaborative Corner of Brookline Street and Green Street)
"Diurnal" by the Artists at Art Bio Collaborative Corner of Green Street and Brookline Street
"Crosswinds" by Daniel Galvez On the side of the Middle East, 472 Massachusetts Ave
“Untitled” Utility Box by Naijah Nine. (@naijahnine / naijahnine.com) On the corner of Mass Ave and Brookline St
“Phoenix Landing Wooden Relief” by Unknown. Above the entry way of the Phoenix Landing.
“Series of three Firestation Planters” by Sabrina Dorsainvil, (sabrinadorsainvil.com / @oh_sabeedee)
"For Cambridge With Love from Nepal" by Sneha Shrestha, 2018. Corner of Sidney Street and Mass Ave. (@Imagine876 / (www.imagine876.com)
"Belonging" by the Fearless Collective. Multiple Artists. Lafayette Park and Columbia Street
“Illuminated” by Rixy Fernandez (@rixyfz / www.rixyfz.com) on Bishop Allen Drive and Main Street
“Set me Free” by Sagie (@rastagrandpa / rastagrandpa.com) on Bishop Allen Drive and Main Street
"Minerva and the Muse" by Alison Human, 2020. (@hueman_ / www.huemannature.com )
“Untitled” by Curtistic. In the Alley Next to 907 Main (@curtistic)
"Past, Present, Future" by Felipe Ortiz. Corner of Norfolk Street and Mass Ave. (@felipeortizart / www.felipeortiz.com)
“Central Square Cultural District” sign by Kenji Nakayama, 2018 ( @needsignswillpaint / www.needsignswillpaint.com)
Graffitti Alley - Aka "Modica Way" by Multiple Artists. Next to H-Mart
"Queendom" by Victor Quiñonez. At approximately 581 Massave above building. @Marka27 / www.street-theory.com)
The Potluck" by David Fichter / www.davidfichter.com On the side of Hmart
“The Teacher’s Home” by Caleb Neelon. On the other side of HMart. (@calebneelonart / www.calebneelon.com)
“View of Mass Ave Circa 1929” by Adam O’Day. Essex Street and Mass Ave. (@adam_oday / www.adamjoday.com)
“Faces Utility Box” by Unknown. At the corner of Mass ave and Essex Street.
IDEO Building by Eltono. Exterior design of 80 Prospect Street. (@Eltono / Eltono (www.eltono.com)