If you're looking to explore a place that epitomizes the intersection of art and science then you are in fact looking for Kendall Square in Cambridge.

With juggernauts of science, education and technology literally shaping the neighborhood and the culture within it, it would be impossible to deny their impact on its evolution, and in fact on the evolution of the entire Boston area, but on the art present as well. With a focus on exploring the intersection of art and science, which has long been one of my favourite creative genres, this art walk takes you on a very unique adventure.

From murals, to architecture, to incredible sculptures, installations and even a gallery this area is nothing if not surprising. This two mile walk around Kendall Square will take you through some twists and turns (and up and down some stairs). It features a selection of art that combines work presented by different groups and organizations which help highlight the humanity and creativity that is essential to the scientific world. Without question the largest influence in the area is MIT which has an absolutely incredible collection of Public Art, along with its own art walk, of which I've included some pieces in this Art Walk as well.

I have also included some architecture along with the Koch Institute Public Gallery which features an impressive collection of science based art. While it periodically changes I can not recommend it highly enough. Seeing research interpreted in a creative form gives it an accessibility and a way to appreciate the work being done that it might otherwise not have. The Koch Institute Public Gallery is only open on week days, so please plan accordingly. (M-Th 8am-6pm, F 8am-4pm, CLOSED Sat/Sun).

Kendall Square is one of the more easily accessible neighborhoods as it is right on the Redline Line and is also about a 20 minute walk from Central Square. Although this Art Walk is short it is challenging because of the neighborhood and the campus layout. This is a very busy neighborhood and there is still construction happening so be careful as you explore.

Please respect the neighborhood(s), the art, and the people who live and work there. As always, live creatively and travel safely!

DISCLAIMER: By using the contents of this website you understand and agree that you travel at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses or damage to your person or belongings from the use of the information on this website. Nor can we been held responsible for any unforeseen situations that might arise as you engage in your travels and we in no way condone trespassing or the destruction of public or private property. We reserve the right to change and/or update the information as needed.  This project is for individual use only. Publication without permission by creator is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted. Any and all content included on this site is subject to copyright including all written copy, images, graphics and maps.

Ready to start your adventure?

Download the Art Walk Map and List for just 5$ to get started!


Map Updated March 2025

Total Distance: 1 3/4 miles

Estimated Time: 2 hours (depending on how fast you want to go)

Neighborhood: Public Garden/Boston Commons

Closest Subway: Park Street – Red Line/Green Line, Boylston Street – Green Line, Arlington – Green Line

Food Options: If you're not sure what you're looking for I recommend browsing Eater Boston for some ideas.


Artist information, website, and IG handle included where available. This map is not intended for driving.

  1. Two Untitled Mural Arches” by @jessieandkatey ( Both Sides of courtyard

  2. “Wonderous Traveler” by Silvia Lopez Chavez, 2022.  @silvialopezchavez (

  3. “Find Joy” by Creative Machines, 2022

  4. “Chromatic Antiphony” by Maria Molteni, 2022 @strega_maria ( on the rooftop garden

  5. “Caffeine Molecule” by Case Randall, 2012

  6. "Small corner mural” by Unknown

  7. “Galaxy” by Otto Piene,Joe Davis, Joan Brigham, Allan Schwarz, 1990

  8. “Charles Gate” by Percy Fortini-Wright.  @percyfortiniwright ( Produced in conjunction with MITIMCo and @now_and_there In the Alley at 139 Main Street  

  9. “Canal District Mural 1” by Julz Roth @julzroth and @vise_1_boston

  10. “Canal District Mural 2” by Adam O’Day,  2019. @adam_oday ( On Broad Canal Way. 

  11. “Neuron” by Chris Williams, 2015. @chriswilliamssculpture  (Chris Williams Sculpture)

  12. “Fellow Creatures” by Sophy Tuttle, 2023. @sophytuttle ( On the door of Broadway Street Garage.

  13. “Untitled Garage Mural illusion with concentric circles” by unknown, 2023

  14. “Past, Present, Future” 2022. Mural designed by Youth Artists who are part of the Teen Public Art Program at the Community Art Center. @caccambridge (  Corner of Ames Street and Brookline Street.

  15. “Untitled window installation at Google,” by Unknown Artist.  325 Main Street.  Window Installation, view from Street.  

  16. “Against the Run” Alicja Kiwade, 2019 @alicjakwade (

  17. “The End of Signature” by Agnieska Kurant, 2021 (blue) @agnieszka.kurant (Public Art, MIT, End of Signature)

  18. “The End of Signature” by Agnieska Kurant, 2022 (white) @agnieszka.kurant (Public Art, MIT, End of Signature)

  19. “Lower Courtyard” by Richard Fleischner, 2010. (Public Art, MIT, Lower Courtyard )

  20. “Working Model for Reclining Figure” by Henry Moore, 1963-1965 (Public Art, MIT, Working Model for Reclining Figure) 

  21. Weisner Building by I.M. Pei, 1985. MIT List Visual Arts Center. @mitlistarts 20 Ames Street ( & MIT Media Lab. @mitmedialab 75 Amherst Street ( ) (Public Art, MIT, Weisner Building) 

  22. “Aesop’s Fables II” by Mark di Suvero, 2005. Behind Koch Institute, Across from List Visual Arts Center.  (Public Art, MIT, Aesop’s Fables II)

  23. Ray and Maria Stata Center by Frank Gehry, 2004.  32 Vassar Street. 

  24. “Invaders” Gary Wiley, 2981. Back of the Stata Center.  (Public Art, MIT, Invaders.)

  25. Sean Collier Memorial, by J Meejin Yoon, 2015. Between the Stata Center and the Lock Institute.  (Höweler + Yoon)

  26. Koch Institute Public Gallery. Open Mon - Thur 8am-6pm, Fri 8am - 4pm. Closed on Sat & Sun.  Features a rotating gallery of science based art.   500 Main Street.  @kochinstitutemit (

  27. “Through Layers and Leaves” by Martin Boyce, 2011.  Koch Institute foyer, Open M-Th 8am - 6pm, Fr 8am- 4pm. ( @kochinstitutemit / )

  28. “SCIENTIA” by Ursula Von Rydingsvard, 2016 @ursulavonryd  (

  29. “This is Where we Live, Work and Create” Created by the Community Art Centers Youth Advisory Board and youth assistants.  With guidance from Silvia Lopez Chavez & Amanda McGarrity. @caccambridge

  30. “Untitled Community Art Center Mural” by The Community Art Center.  @caccambridge.