The Seaport is a neighborhood being reimagined. Regardless of how you may feel about that there is an undeniable optimism to the changes that are being made, both big and small. Walking over Fort Point Channel and down the main streets you see a bustling neighborhood with boutiques, museums, parks and restaurants that is still going through some growing pains but has a definite vision for its future.
It was much to my delight that I discovered that there was also a place for public art in that vision and there was a lot more public art than I initially anticipated. As a slight departure from my previously published tours the work in this area leans heavily towards the sculptural and the abstract with many of the works seeming to take thematic cues from the region and of course the ocean.
With 28 different stops this is currently my only art walk to include museums along the route (both the Boston Children's Museum and The Institute of Contemporary Art are noted on the map) and much like the East Boston Art Walk if you veer slightly off the path for a few moments you can get an incredible view of the Boston Skyline from the Harbor Walk.
As one of the newer neighborhoods of the city I think this is often one of the least understood and while I can't really claim to have any great insight, I will say that with the cool ocean breezes and the abundance of activities make for a lovely and very unique experience.
This is a very busy neighborhood so as always, please respect the neighborhood and the people who live and work there, and have a safe visit.
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Ready to start your adventure?
Download the Art Walk Map and List for just 5$ to get started!
Map Updated March 2025
Total Distance: 1.25 Miles
Estimated Time: Approx 1hr. Depending on your pace.
Neighborhood: South Boston
Closest Subway: Broadway Station, Red Line (1/4 of a mile from Broadway Station. Walk over the James M. Kelly Bridge)
Street Address: 90 Traveler Street
Food: I recommend checking out Boston Eater.
Artist information, website, and IG handle included where available.
PYR14” by Don Eyles, 2014. Between Summer and Congress Street. (
“Giant Hood Milk Bottle” by Arthur Gagner, 1934. 306 Congress Street
“Tides” by Tomek Sandurski, 2018. Farnsworth & Congress Street (
“Creation: Light” by Okuda San Miguel 2018. @okudart
“Looking out for Each Other” by Jon Burgerman. 2020 60 Seaport Blvd (Installed sidewalk pieces) (@jonburgerman /
“Boston is the new Boston” by Half Studio and Just Kids. 2018. 29 Northern Ave. ( )
“Creation: Water” by Okuda San Miguel 2018. @okudart
“Damascus Gate” by Frank Stella, 1970. 72 Seaport Blvd (Geometric mural above entrance way)
“Mythology: Being 1” by Okuda San Miguel 2018. @okudart
“Mythology: Being 2” by Okuda San Miguel 2018. @okudart
“Natural Balance: Coexistence” by Okuda San Miguel 2018. @okudart
“Diversity: Domestic” by Okuda San Miguel 2018. @okudart
“Diversity: Wild" by Okuda San Miguel 2018. @okudart
Massachusetts Fallen Heroes Memorial by James Carpenter & Reed Hildebrand, Opened in 2016 In Marina Park, close to ICA. ( )
“I love You, All Of You” by Ryan Adams. 2021 111 Autumn Lane (Garage Doors). ( @ryanwritesonthings / )
“The Passage” by 1010 (Ten-ten), 2022 @1010zzz 111 Harbor Way. (colourful concentric shapes above doorway)
“Parade” by Tomislav Topic, 2022 @topic_tomislav 111 Harbor Way. Go Inside, it’s on the left (Hanging Rainbow Installation).
“A Sea Bird” by Maria Molten 2021. 21 Stillings Street ( @strega_maria / )
“Tides” by Janet Tan, 2021 with Artists for Humanity. 23-27 Stillings Street. (@afh / )
“Entry Way Scuptures” By Carlos Dorrien. In Maritime Park on the corner of Seaport Boulevard and D Street.
“Atrape Soleil” by Daniel Buren, 2013. Corner of Seaport Boulevard and D Street. Eastport Park Sculpture Garden. Installed in 2022
“Chords” by David Phillips, 2000. Eastport Park Sculpture Garden. D Street & Congress. (
“Fish Bench” by Judy McKie. Eastport Sculpture Park.
“The Partisans” Andrzej Pitynski (1979) Sculpture on an island on D Street.
“Gables Seaport Graphic Mural” by Artists for Humanity 2021. On stairs next to World trade Center Silver Line Stop. (@afh / )
"Dragon" by Chris Williams, 2022. On the Left side of the entrance to the Lawn on D. ( @chriswilliamsculpture / )
“Boston Warf Company Industrial Real Estate Sign” by Unknown.